Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Integrasi easyhotspot + freeradius and Hotspot MikroTik

Integrasi easyhotspot + freeradius and Hotspot MikroTik

First install ubuntu server first
Do not forget to install a LAMP
code :
sudo tasksel

Then LAMP continuously OK

Now we try

Install the required packages
code :
sudo apt -get -y install sysstat rrdtool snmp snmpd dbconfig libphp – adodb -common php5 – cli php5 – gd php5 – gmp – pear php – snmp php5 php5 – adodb make- rpm alien subversion nmap libnet – netmask – perl curl FreeRADIUS freeradius – mysql php5 – mcrypt – SSLeay perl openssl – perl libnet libauthen – pam – ​​perl libpam – ​​runtime libio – pty – perl unzip git -core

code :
cd / opt

sudo git clone git : //

code :
mysql -u root -p
CREATE USER ‘ EasyHotspot ‘ @ ‘ % ‘ IDENTIFIED BY ‘ EasyHotspot ‘ ;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO ‘ EasyHotspot ‘ @ ‘ % ‘
code :
cd / opt / EasyHotspot / install /
mysql -u root -p hotspot < easyhotspot_opensource_2010-10-21.sql

edit /etc/freeradius/sql.conf
adjust the mysql database e
code :
sql {

# Set the database to one of:


# mysql, mssql, oracle, postgresql


database = “mysql”


# Which FreeRADIUS driver to use.


driver = “rlm_sql_${database}”

# Connection info:

server = “localhost”

#port = 3306

login = “easyhotspot”

password = “easyhotspot”

# Database table configuration for everything except Oracle

radius_db = “hotspot”

Edit /opt/easyhotspot/htdocs/system/application/config/database.php
adjust database
$db[‘default’][‘hostname’] = “localhost”;

$db[‘default’][‘username’] = “easyhotspot”;

$db[‘default’][‘password’] = “easyhotspot”;

$db[‘default’][‘database’] = “hotspot”;

$db[‘default’][‘dbdriver’] = “mysql”;

edit /etc/freeradius/clients.conf
Make sure there is a line like this

ipaddr = // Adjust the ip in mikrotik
secret = EasyHotspot // Adjust the radius mikrotik
shortname = // hostname proxy , if there are no contents with Ip

edit /etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf
uncheck # nang part $ INCLUDE sql.conf
This section also : $ INCLUDE sql / mysql / counter.conf
find sections instantiate
add :
code :

then the accounting, session and post-auth, find the section # sql continue uncheck # e

edit /etc/freeradius/sql/mysql/counter.conf
look for the words:
sqlcounter noresetcounter {
Blaa |blaâ |blaâ |

delete, and replace with:
sqlcounter noresetcounter {

counter-name = Session-Timeout

Check-name = Session-Timeout

reply-name = Session-Timeout

sqlmod-inst = sql

key = User-Name

reset = never

query = “SELECT SUM (Acctsessiontime) radacct FROM WHERE UserName = ‘% {% k}'”


sqlcounter max_all_mb {

counter-name = Max-All-MB

Check-name = Max-All-MB

reply-name = Chillispot-Max-Total-octets

sqlmod-inst = sql

key = User-Name

reset = never

query = “SELECT SUM (AcctInputOctets) / (1024 * 1024) + SUM (AcctOutputOctets) / (1024 * 1024) radacct FROM WHERE UserName = ‘% {% k}'”


stop radius
/etc/init.d/freeradius stop
check config radius
/ usr / sbin / freeradius -X
if no error start again radius server
/etc/init.d/freeradius start
create a symbolic link on a web server so that can be accessed

ln -s / opt / EasyHotspot / htdocs / var / www / hotspot

change user / group

chown -R www-data.www-data / var / www / hotspot

FreeRADIUS finished
then setting mikrotik
at the hotspot> server profiles
select the server profile
then on the radius, click the radius use

create radius:
Radius keep clicking on the + sign.
continue to browse ip ip in FreeRADIUS, and secret content according to the settings in FreeRADIUS

It is finished
now can create a voucher or user of EasyHotspot
Access from <! – m -> <a class=”postlink” href=”http://ip-server-udu-ip-mikrotik-e/hotspot”> http: // ip-server-ip-udu -mikrotik-e / hotspot </a> <! – m ->

original username: admin
e password: admin123

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